Exodus Stations #2

‘Exodus Stations #2’ Publication
on the Residency of Tatiana Macedo
and Raphael Denis

Marta Jecu Published in Paperback, November 2017
Artists featured: Tatiana Macedo and Raphael Denis.
Design: Madalena B. Guerra

Every case study in a museum is accompanied by a publication. These succinct glimpses into the main questions posed by the project constitute a series of small volumes – which give an overview of the entire project and connect the main areas explored in EXODUS STATIONS.

This booklet consists of the following chapters: Archive Material, an Excerpt of the Ulli Beier Estate Archive in the Iwalewahaus Bayreuth; Article by Marta Jecu on Ulli Beier’s activity as collector and cultural promoter in Nigeria; Overview of the artistic work realized by Raphael Denis and Tatiana Macedo.

This exhibition project and publication were realized in collaboration with the IWALEWAHAUS, Bayreuth, 2017 with the participation of Nadine Siegert and Felicia Nietsche – warm thanks for the collaboration.